Rest when you’re tired, give up when it’s the right thing to do

Dissecting Metaphors by DM Adil
5 min readJan 21, 2021

Whenever I hear the word “passion”, my mind takes me back to an analogy that my past boss told me.

Passion, he said, is like a lighted candle. It flickers against the wind and dies in the absence of it.

He’s right. The truth is life isn’t always happy and fulfilling. You can never expect rays of sunshine all the time — the rain must come because it also needs to. Without it, balance will be disrupted.

Just like the rain, tiring, gloomy, and demotivating days are also a part of a cycle. You will need time to overcome this phase. And you’re not alone with your dilemma. Almost every one of us is fighting to win over these unproductive phases. Even I am guilty of choosing to lie down in bed, pig out, and sleep instead of working in front of my laptop.

But the good news is, a broken cycle is not a death sentence. It can be fixed. Maybe your passion did not die. Maybe you’re just burnt out and need a reset. Maybe you’re just stuck and need a little help.

Whatever your reasons are, I am here to help you regain your strength to get up the couch and pursue your passion again.

Here are 5 tips to help you reignite your extinguished flame.

Take that long rest!

You can’t expect to work efficiently when you’re burnt out. Take a deep breath, get some fresh air, sit down and light up a cigarette. You deserve that release.

If you think things are already heavy for you to handle, go on a break and apply for leave. In the meantime, remove your mind away from work and spend time alone, or with family and friends.

The time off will help you clear all the mental clutter so you could reevaluate your life choices.

Ask yourself, if you really lost your passion or if you’re just overwhelmed. Do you really want to finish your work?

Keep creating!

There’s no better way to rekindle your lost passion than to start creating again.

This time try to work a little slower. Focus on your craft but don’t hurry up. Take your time and worry less about your pace. Masterpieces take time to make. You cannot expect to be like Van Gogh in a week or Shakespeare in a month.

Do you feel like your story is not going as you’ve imagined?

Put it down on the table and rewrite it the next morning.

Do you think your artwork is not like how you used to make it?

It’s fine. Keep adding or eliminating details. Work on it until it feels right for you. Only you can tell if your artwork is ready.

What’s important at this stage is that you’re trying to be consistent.

Patience and passion should work in sync!

Check the consequences.

Why are you working on that project? Are you employed? Do you have commitments to an organization?

If you’re currently working on a project that needs immediate results and you feel like you cannot deliver or reach expectations, be open about it. Talk to your teammates about your challenges.

Shutting down is not a good practice especially when projects demand collaboration.

It’s best to be vocal about your feelings. You can always say no ahead of time to inform your manager or leader that you might need more time or even extra hands to finish the project.

Either way, fight to deliver with excellence.

Commitments have consequences. Make sure your passion is aware of that.

Talk to mentors

Whenever I feel less productive, I make sure to seek guidance from my mentors and editors.

Mentors are wise men. They have been through the same challenges as you and soliciting productivity advice from them is an effective way to help you reflect on your passion.

Surround yourself with dreamers, visionaries, and passionate people and you’ll never stray from your path.

Know when to give up.

Contrary to popular belief, quitting is also for winners.

Winners know when and where to raise their swords. They choose their battles wisely.

If you feel like things are no longer working for you, and that you no longer want to do the old things you used to do, give up!

You cannot live a life of guilt. It is best to realize things as early as now than to waste your time causing emotional damage to yourself.

Let go of your ego. Sometimes it’s best to quit now to also lessen the damages that you’re giving to other people.

Passion can change and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Life, after all, is an endless journey of self-discovery. I hope you find yours soon.

